
Since its launch in 2023, the ‘Tackling Insights’ programme has rapidly expanded, and now benefits over 1,200 school children across the North East.

Supported by Sage Foundation, this 5- week programme aims to inspire young people to explore careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) through rugby. Using classroom-based learning with practical tag-rugby sessions, using smart ball technology to demonstrate how data and insights can transform sporting performance.

Teach First research highlights the challenge for students from lower-income backgrounds, with only 41.8% believing they can pursue STEM careers, viewing them as too challenging and 51% of surveyed parents have a lack of confidence about their children entering the field. The UK is currently experiencing a STEM crisis with a widely reported lack of industry professionals compared to much of the rest of the world. By 2030, the UK could have as many as seven million jobs requiring STEM skills.

By engaging pupils aged 9-11 from schools in deprived areas we’re challenging traditional perceptions of STEM careers and showing that technology and innovation are accessible to everyone.

In parternership with SAGE